A Note from the Directors
In January 2020, Conifer Lodge was assessed by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as part of a routine inspection. Whilst the home has maintained a consistently good report for the last 20 years, various short comings were pointed out which resulted in the CQC overall rating to be deemed as inadequate. Since then, the Directors, Management and staff have been working overtime to rectify these issues, and whilst the rating cannot be amended until further inspection, it can be rest assured that the necessary improvements have been made to ensure the safety of both our residents and staff.
Here at Conifer Lodge we pride ourselves on offering quality care to our residents and so were disappointed to receive an overall rating that does not reflect this. The safety of our residents is our number one priority, as is the relationship with our key stakeholders. Therefore , we have taken on board the comments from CQC and are currently seeking another review to ensure our rating best represents the quality of care we offer. Going forward, as we continue to operate, we will constantly be reviewing our procedures, seeking new ways to improve areas in which we failed, and maintain areas in which we thrive.
Christopher Kemp and Adrian Kemp